noVNC is a VNC client implemented using HTML5 technologies,
specifically Canvas and WebSockets (supports 'wss://' encryption).
noVNC is licensed under the
Special thanks to [Sentry Data Systems]( for
sponsoring ongoing development of this project (and for employing me).
There are many companies/projects that have integrated noVNC into
their products including: [Sentry Data Systems](, [Ganeti Web Manager](, [Archipel](, [openQRM](, [OpenNode](, [OpenStack](, [Broadway (HTML5 GDK/GTK+ backend)](, [OpenNebula](, [CloudSigma](, [Zentyal (formerly eBox)](, and [SlapOS]( See [this wiki page]( for more info and links.
Notable commits, announcements and news are posted to
@<a href="">noVNC</a>
Running in Chrome before and after connecting:
<img src="" width=400> <img src="" width=400>
See more screenshots <a href="">here</a>.
### Browser Requirements
* HTML5 Canvas: Except for Internet Explorer, most
browsers have had Canvas support for quite some time. Internet
Explorer 9 will have Canvas support (finally).
* HTML5 WebSockets: For browsers that do not have builtin
WebSockets support, the project includes
<a href="">web-socket-js</a>,
a WebSockets emulator using Adobe Flash.
* Fast Javascript Engine: noVNC avoids using new Javascript
functionality so it will run on older browsers, but decode and
rendering happen in Javascript, so a slow Javascript engine will
mean noVNC is painfully slow.
* I maintain a more detailed list of browser compatibility <a
### Server Requirements
Unless you are using a VNC server with support for WebSockets
connections (only my [fork of libvncserver](
currently), you need to use a WebSockets to TCP socket proxy. There is
a python proxy included ('websockify'). One advantage of using the
proxy is that it has builtin support for SSL/TLS encryption (i.e.
1. WebSockets is not a pure socket protocol. There is an initial HTTP
like handshake to allow easy hand-off by web servers and allow
some origin policy exchange. Also, each WebSockets frame begins
2. Javascript itself does not have the ability to handle pure byte
arrays. The python proxy encodes the data as base64 so that the
Javascript client can decode the data as an integer array.
* Use the launch script to start a mini-webserver and the WebSockets
proxy (websockify). The `--vnc` option is used to specify the location of
a running VNC server:
`./utils/ --vnc localhost:5901`
* Point your browser to the cut-and-paste URL that is output by the
launch script. Enter a password if the VNC server has one
configured. Hit the Connect button and enjoy!
* [Advanced Usage]( Generating an SSL
certificate, starting a VNC server, advanced websockify usage, etc.
* [Integrating noVNC]( into existing projects.
* [Troubleshooting noVNC]( problems.