GitLab now enforces expiry dates on tokens that originally had no set expiration date. Those tokens were given an expiration date of one year later. Please review your personal access tokens, project access tokens, and group access tokens to ensure you are aware of upcoming expirations. Administrators of GitLab can find more information on how to identify and mitigate interruption in our documentation.
@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ The VDC Control Panel provides a web panel to manage a virtual datacenter.
The panel includes a 'technical tutorial' for end users. The content of this technical tutorial can be changed by editing the files in
3rd party developers can integrate the VDC Control Panel into their website as documented [here](/doc/
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Third party developers can integrate the VDC Control Panel into their website as documented in the [GitBook for the VDC Control Panel](
Source code for this documentation is in the `/docs/`.
-`$jwt` is the JSON web token taken from This will make the VDC Control Panel use the authentication from the host site, and provide a seamless authenticated environment for the user
The VDC Control Panel provides a web panel to manage a virtual datacenter.
The panel includes a 'technical tutorial' for end users. The content of this technical tutorial can be changed by editing the files in
The panel includes a 'technical tutorial' for end users. The content of this technical tutorial can be changed by editing the files in
3rd party developers can integrate the VDC Control Panel into their website as documented [here](/doc/
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Third party developers can integrate the VDC Control Panel into their website as documented [here](
# How to Integrate the VDC Control Panel into a Thirth Party Website
## How to Integrate the VDC Control Panel into a Thirth Party Website
@todo needs updating
The VDC Control Panel requires user authentication via
Basically they need to implement authentication via and then integrate the VDC Control Panel as follows:
So before you continuing make sure you have integration working, as documented in the [GitBook for](
With the **autorization code** acquired through the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow you'll be able to get an JSON web token (JWT) needed by the HTML iframe discussed below in order to interact with the virtual datacenter on behalf of the end user.
To learn more about the JSON web token (JWT) support in, see the [JWT section in the GitBook](
The actual integration of the VDC Control panel takes three steps:
-**Step 1**: Get the source code onto your web server
-**Step 2**: Embed the VDC Control Panel as a HTML iframe
-**Step 3**: Setup a reverse proxy server
### Step 1: Get the source code onto your web server
The source code for the **VDC Control Panel** is available on GitHub:
Copy/clone it into a subdirectory of the web root directory of your web server, which we'll reference here below as `$vdc_control_directory`.
### Step 2: Embed the VDC Control Panel as a HTML iframe
-**src**: address/location of the VDC Control Panel source files in your setup + a query string
The query string part of the **src** attribute has three fields:
-**jwt**: the JSON web token, received from (and signed by), in order to securily interact with the G8 node on behalf of the end user; discussed above
-**vdc_id**: id of the virtual datacenter as know on the G8 node hosting the virtual datacenter
-**g8_domain**: URL of the G8 node hosting the virtual datacenter
-`$jwt` is the JSON web token taken from This will make the VDC Control Panel use the authentication from the host site, and provide a seamless authenticated environment for the user
-`$vdc_id` is the id of the VDC
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### Step 3: Setup a reverse proxy server
In order to cope with the [same-origin policy]( you will need to set-up a reverse proxy for the **VDC Control Panel** to connect to the G8 node.
Add following lines in between the <virtualhost> tag of the `/etc/apache2/sites-enable/000-default.conf` configuration file: