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  • Joel Martin's avatar
    Change noVNC license to from LGPLv3 to MPL 2.0 · 1d728ace
    Joel Martin authored
    The MPL 2.0 license is a "file-level" copyleft license vs the
    "project-level" nature of the L/GPL. The intention of noVNC has
    always been that it should be easy to incorporate into existing
    projects and sites whether free/open or proprietary/commercial. The MPL
    2.0 is designed for this sort of combination project but still
    requires that any distributed modifications to noVNC source files must
    also be published under the same license.
    In addition, the MPL 2.0 allows the code to be used in L/GPL projects
    (the secondary license clause). This means that any projects that are
    already incorporating noVNC should not be impacted by this change and
    in fact it should clarify the licensing situation (the exact
    application of the L/GPL to web applications and interpreted code is
    somewhat ambiguous).
    The HTML, CSS, image and font files continue to be under more
    permissive licenses (see LICENSE.txt). The included websockify python
    code remains under a LGPLv3 license alth...
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Learn more